Wednesday, November 23, 2011

23 bullets

Someone suggested bullet points, there are numbers too, I notice, so I'll try to get 23 done for the 23rd of the month. ( I've got other stuff, really I have, it's just not edited properly...)

  1. Hanging out a small load of washing, I understand I've become fond and possess quite a number of clothes of a slate blue colour.  Though mostly winter ones.
  2. Cleaned the swatted flies off the kitchen window.
  3. Clean the dog-nose marks off the front window.
  4. Bugger it's a non-drinking night.
  5. As a youngster I wrote a list of things I hated.  I told my mum.  She said 'When you've got a piece of paper the size of a postage stamp why don't you write a list of the things you like?'  This has stayed with me.
  6. Wholegrain, Dijon or Coleman's English.
  7. My father once said 'That was nice I must have been hungry'.  This was never forgiven, or at least not forgotten.
  8. I'm wearing brown pyjamas (which I wish I could spell 'pajamas') and a blue fleece robe, not a dressing gown as it doesn't have a front opening but pulls over my head, with a hood.
  9. The British Corner Shop have just made me an offer of a Christmas pudding which I can refuse.
  10. I think perhaps when it comes to risotto I have no limit of capacity, but I haven't tested this out.
  11. Jeremiah Coleman, I've heard them repeat, made his fortune from the mustard that folks didn't eat.
  12. Today I saw a very new-looking Citroen in a deep chocolate brown colour, a true brown.  Can it be that brown cars really are making a comeback?
  13. I get caught out time and again.
  14. Constable didn't come from Dunstable.
  15. Barking mad dog.
  16. That helicopter really copped it.
  17. Jeremiah Coleman, of Norwich late and great, made his fortune from mustard that folks left on their plate.
  18. What on earth am I supposed to do with a large bottle of orange-flower water?
  19. If in doubt use the past simple.
  20. Find out more about gall wasps.
  21. No one knows where the word 'bap' for a soft round bread roll comes from, but I wonder if it is related to 'kebab'? They sell the big soft rounds of bread for those here as 'kebap'.
  22. I'm going to get myself a cherry syrup fizz.
  23. A dear little blue silicone spoon (shown near life-size)

which came with a twin spatula, but they had to be separated.  It shoulders its way around the awkwardest corners of jam jars, and licks the mini-blender as clean as a whistle.

That'll do for today.


Fire Bird said...

i expect it would clean out the mustard pot too...

herhimnbryn said...

Ah, you have a list too!

I've only just found a source of Colemans Mustard here, I bought 3 jars. It nearly blew the Alchemist's head off. I got through one jar in a week.

Hmmmm, Orange flower water. Now if it had been Rose water, I would have had some ideas ( that's good in chilled rice pud!).

Roderick Robinson said...

4. Awful irony. To wake up after a non-drinking night with a head-ache.
5. Sounds well-honed. But there's nothing wrong with that. I hone when on the toilet and when driving. It doesn't always show.
8. Me too, at this very moment. As Erwin Shrödinger would say "a convergence". Very techie.
12. Pyjamas yes, not cars.
18. Question its origins.
21. Apercu from article on The Perfect Hamburger. The bun is an edible table-napkin.
23. "dear little". In future, extirpate.

Lucy said...


FB - hmm, the Dijon, probably not the Coleman's as the jar is too small. In fact I rather lazily threw out the Dijon pot earlier in the day with a good ham sandwich worth of mustard still in it, thereby confirming the idea that mustard manufacturers make money out of wasted mustard. I have yet to try it on a Marmite jar; I have a very large one on the go at the moment and I imagine it would be more than equal to the task of getting into those resiual corners!

HHB - gosh, one little jar of Colemans last us forever, though we do get through quite a bit of Dijon, and have many glasses to show for it! What puzzles me is what you eat it on, being vegetarian? I can only really imagine it on ham or beef or garlic sausage-type of things. I guess I could use the orange flower water similarly, but I'm not that keen on the flavour anyway. It was given to me by someone who didn't want it who was presumably given it by someone else.

BB - 4 - yes, and not at all unknown.
5 - no, it was quite off the cuff, just well-remembered. The irony is she could be one of the most glass-half-empty (though only of Blue Nun or maybe cherry brandy if things were getting really festive) and negative people I had the privilege to grow up with; the willed struggle against being judgemental, critical and misanthropic I have waged ever since is entirely in reaction to the tendency which I learned/inherited from her. Not that it's done me much good, life always lets you down in the end...
8 - you have a blue fleece pull-on robe with a hood? You must look so cute... But I thought you wore nightshirts?
12 - My first car was a brown mini. Bloody death trap.
18 - See above.
21 - I would quite like a good floury bap from an English baker. I occasionally succumb and buy wholewheat burger rolls in packets here but I don't know why as they're always revolting.
23 - no, I will continue to use 'dear little' as and when the fancy takes me. It is a collocation of which I am fond. Dear little phrase.

Lucy said...

Corrigenda (really not because I want it to look like I've got more comments)

FB - that's supposed to be 'residual'

HHB - I mean use the orange flower in rice pud, not on ham, beef or garlic sausage!

BB - nothing for you, I stand by it all.

Rouchswalwe said...

Miniamo?! How sweet!

Unknown said...

My recollection of Coleman's remark is that his fortune resides on the side of people's plates, which is I suppose the same thing. Now that I use mustard as a base for salad dressing, it no longer applies to me.

Lucy said...

RS - yes, I know, dear little name isn't it? Nearly as sweet as BB in his brown jim-jams I dare say.

Plutarch - it was one of those things I grew up with, being from a family of Norwich origin, which I still repeat with truly monotonous regularity, but I may not have had it straight. I wonder if the French say something similar about M Maille? Do you use the mustard jar with its last lees to mix the dressing in? I do if I think of it.

Jeremiah Coleman, his fame spread far and wide, made his fortune from the mustard that folks left on the side. Comes in a dear little jar, or even in powder form in a dear little tin.

herhimnbryn said...

Vegie sausages, cheese sandwiches, honey mustard dressing, frittata, I could go on. You see, I had missed it so much! I've calmed down now.