Thursday, January 29, 2009
Fragments, haiku and haggis; Saved Nut # 3
Monday, January 26, 2009
Leaf on glass, and Saved Nut # 2
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Oh no, not again... and Saved Nuts
Needless to say, she's still enjoying her food.
We took her in on Tuesday, reckoning to have to spend the afternoon on it and miss the Inauguration on the telly, but she'd eaten some breakfast, and he said he wouldn't risk it, gave a an effective shot of pain killer, and told us to come back the next day. So we were able to come home, have a cheerful walk around the plan d'eau, and all snuggle down to watch, which was nice.
Anyway, as promised, a sample from the archives. I have decided to call this series Saved Nuts, from a comment Rosie left last time. This one is by popular request from the ever witty and gallant Barrett Bonden, who delights in any wry account of French living , having done his share of this. It's 'The déchèterie, and other waste matters' . I've tidied it up a bit, but not cut much really.
There, told you I wouldn't stay away for long...
Monday, January 19, 2009
A touch of the blogging blues. Yawn.
There may be several reasons for this. I've recently come to the end of a couple of writing projects with other people, which I'll inform about in due course. They've been very satisfying, more than, but have left me a bit barren, it seems.
And then there's what I find myself doing when I sit down at the computer.
The feeds: 3 new here, 5 there, blimey, 10 new there, I haven't been to so-and-so's for that long? You're all so delicious, and you all need to be done justice, and you often make me wonder quite what it is I should be doing myself. I sometimes think it might be easier to be one of those who only reads blogs and doesn't have one. From time to time I knock a few feeds off, people I think won't miss me, rather than because they aren't of interest, but then more come along...
Then lately I find I'm slipping off to the online papers, or Wikipaedia, reading and watching articles, videos, about Israel - Palestine. My comfortable ignorance wouldn't do any more, but the remedying of it is hardly better. I've a bad head for history and politics at the best of times; it was a vaguely intractable, sickening thing on the fringes of my awareness, now it's a more clearly defined intractable, sickening thing nearer the forefront of the same. I'm heavy-hearted with other people's suffering, anger, hatred, the endless rigmarole of whose grievance counts most and why, and all the while the fear and pain.
I long to take refuge in glibness and easy opinion, to be able to shrug off, make light of and discount what suits me, scoff at this or that as being no worse than something else, close down in that way. And why not, it would make no difference to anything? I have few certainties, and those I do allow for few conclusions. And I'm well aware that while something becomes the centre of attention for a while, the litany of unrecorded suffering goes on all the while. Which knowledge doesn't make anything any better either.
This probably won't last long, it doesn't usually. I don't have a lot of time for people agonising about blogging, though I've done my share of it; I tend to think one should just get on with it or shut up, since overall it's not that important. But what I think I will do, and this was something I was considering doing a month or two back, on the suggestion of a couple of very nice encouraging readers, is go back over my archives, and dig out what I thought were the better pieces, go over and edit them a bit, and from time to time post links to them here, with a comment or two. Some of them might be of interest, and it might help me to feel a bit clearer about what I want to get out of this activity on the basis of what has worked in the past.
So I'll be back with something soon. Thanks for being around.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Nothing beautiful...

Monday, January 12, 2009
Les Grèves
'Have a nice walk on me' she intoned in gravelly fashion. So Molly and I went for our walk on the estuary without her and Porridge, so we could tell them about it.
It was rather a nice day, though chilly in the shade. There was the odd effect of the sea being lighter than the sky.
The marsh drains were still partly frozen. An egret pottered down one of them, looking rather like a grumpy old man,
tried ice skating,
Now poor old Mol has contracted some doggy gastro-virus, which necessitated a late afternoon trip to the vet today. So it's just as well she and Porridge didn't meet and exchange too many canine intimacies, since I don't suppose an ailing and vomiting golden retriever would help Rosie's well-being too much. The medicines seem to have now kicked in, but the worst of it is Molly has to fast and consume nothing but medicine and a very little tepid water until tomorrow dinner time, and keeping a cocker spaniel, even a sick one, from her food is no easy thing.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
This is just to say...

Thursday, January 08, 2009
(Music: Jan Garbarek and the Hilliard Ensemble, from the album Mnemosyne. Video made with Picasa)
I thought you might be getting just a little fed up with endless pictures of frosty weather, so I thought I'd try something different, which ended up presenting all kinds of unforeseen challenges and taking up far more time than it should have. I was unable to get it small enough to upload directly to Blogger, and had to sign up to YouTube, and even then it took ages; our broadband must be very slow, I think. Enjoyable though it was to make, I can't imagine video will become a regular feature here. I'm not really very pleased with it, though it's OK in principle; the sound quality is bad and making it as small as possible means it's horribly pixellated. There must be a better way.
The icicles along the old railtrack, where the springs run down over the rocks, were magical yesterday. Tom conceded to come with me today, when they were well on the way to melting, but still fascinating. He has recently become a sympathetic walking, or rather loitering, companion, since getting his neat little Nikon Coolpix for Christmas, he's suddenly seen the point, and even Molly's allowed to stop and sniff.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Twelfth Night, and more frosty pictures.
But now it is finished, and sliding into rain and squelch, which I'm hoping very hard doesn't freeze overnight.