Sunday, November 23, 2014

A wet Sunday in November

Which I ended up spending binge-watching Noggin the Nog dvds. It was that or Bergman; I was in the mood for something Scandi and I don't do Wallender or Borgen.   Here's a taste of it:

Amazing, it's even older than I am.  I also did a couple of square foot of pretty rough lace knitting while I watched, which I won't try to show you; it might end up as a Christmas present anyway so best not in case the recipient sees.

And here is some of a pumpkin I cut up for dinner - courtesy of Lyse and her green-fingered husband, who have kept us very well stocked with veggies and vitamins this year. Merci Lyse! (But I'll leave all the andouille for you...)


the polish chick said...

what did you make with the pumpkin?

Lucy said...

Hello PC. I roasted it in the oven with some garlic and olive oil and herbs and seasoning (including a sprinkle of brown sugar). It was good, not as firm and floury as a butternut, but with more flavour and texture than the big orange jobs I used to grow. I served it with some chicken which was seasoned with some of the sweet smoked paprika. I can't really remember now why I wanted smoked paprika! It must have been in a phase of Spanish recipes or something.

Lyse said...

C'est gentil Lucy de parler de nos potirons. Tu pourras semer les graines , ça marche très bien.
Je t'avais pourtant gardé une tranche d'andouille, c'est un délice tu sais même à l'apéro!
A très bientôt

Lucy said...

Bonjour Lyse - il etait assez bon, ton potiron vert; je l'ai fait cuire au four avec de l'huile d'olive,de l'origan, de l'ail... Merci mais toi tu peut manger la derniere tranche de l'andouille!