Just a small one, tethered at the old railtrack. Don't know who she belongs to; people, dogs and an occasional vehicle go by, but no one seems to worry much. She was a little skittish about Mol, but let me touch her soft leathery nose.
20 hours ago
didn't know goats could smile! What a treat.
Such a pretty thing, isn't she?
The very first thing I thought of, I am posting one of these pictures. I have no reason but I want to share.
That third photo: it's a UNICORN!
Oh, the overwhelming desire to anthropomorphise. There are those who attribute extra-terrestrial qualities to cats but cats aren't in the same league. I'm almost tempted to take a Buddhist view and say that goats are the next reincarnation of dead politicians, now invested with patience, working out their former compromises and venialities, left only with eyes that hint at their past trade, eyes that tell us how much we're all going to suffer when goat-to-politico equilibrium is finally re-established. Would you have a goat as a pet? Think of a four-legged Berlusconi.
Looks like a goat out of a peaceful children's story - a wise talking goat. I love how your photos show the expressiveness of her face.
A creature to be reckoned with.
What a beautiful creature. I could so easily submit to being a crazy-country-person with rescue animals at every turn, but hold back because I need to preserve my time for painting. But this little creature is very beguiling. Ho hum!
Yesterday a sheepdog from a local farm joined Jack and I when we were out walking. She accompanied us all the way back to Ty Isaf by a cross-country route, and made a good attempt at inveigling her way into the house when we reached our destination. She was pretty rank and muddy or I may have been persuaded to let her in to warm up by the Aga. What a sucker I am for those lustrous eyes that stare into the soul!
I think that little goat has BEAUTIFUL eyes!
Thanks all. She was very sweet. We did keep some goats for a while, years ago, they were borrowed, they had been foster mothers for orphaned deer calves. They were lovely characters but a menace, Molly was not more than a pup and used to play Tom Tiddler's Ground with them, occasionally getting butted. They were strongly tethered and their purpose was to eat grass and weeds, but all they wanted to do was eat the bark off our trees and shrubs, and occasionally in fits super-caprian strength they would wrench and break every fetter to do so. They were full sized ones, I think these little mini-goats are slightly calmer and better pets.
Billy goats are really Berlusconiesque.
She's beautiful! We had a couple of goats when I was growing up. My dad bought them specifically to clear out honeysuckle....which turned out to be one thing they refused to eat. Perhpas this ia goat trait, to refuse to eat the thing you hoped they would, trying to undo that stereotype of them eating just about anything?
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