This time last year I was sent a link to a beautiful, charming video made by Li Yi and Colin, who are friends of my niece, the other significant Tom in my life (she is in full Tamsin but has been Tom since she was a little thing). This year they e-mailed me themselves with a new one they've made which I think is just as delightful, and perhaps even cleverer with more detail. They really should be winning prizes for these. I understand they're getting married in the coming year so it's congratulations all round to them. Thanks Colin and Li Yi!
10 hours ago
gosh that's clever...I can see that I will have to put a bit more effort into my new year card
Wow, that's pretty amazing. And incredibly sweet. Thanks for sharing!
adorable. thank you.
that's so cool and so clever!
This is so totally delightful! (And must have been quite complicated to make.) They are really talented, those two!
That's amazing. I'm going to link to it.
Wonderful, wonderful!
So sweet!
So talented and Happy!
All the Best for 2012.
How in the world do people do such clever things? What a sweet, smart couple. It makes me feel optimistic about the future.
Thanks so much for sharing and all the lovely comments! It makes all the hard work worthwhile when we know it brings a smile to so many people! All the best for the new year!
Colin n Li Yi
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