Tom saw the surgeon yesterday, who's given us dates for the hospital stay. He'll go in on the 13th November and come out on the 19th. So it's still quite a way off, though he's got a preliminary visit next week.
I'll end up fitting it around work, and have minched off and offloaded onto poor overworked Rosie largely unnecessarily, but will do so no more. Sod's Law being what it is, if I hadn't taken the time off everything would have collided and clashed, as I did, then it didn't. I should have known no health service anywhere could really have moved that fast. That saintly woman will receive Brownie points in heaven chocolate and chestnut pudding on earth, and my gratitude and fealty for ever and ever. My students will probably be utterly disgusted to have me back after half-term after enjoying her company for a couple of weeks. In the meantime I have offset my guilt and inaction by doing as many sewing, cooking, floor-cleaning, grass-cutting, wall-pointing, leaf-sweeping jobs as I could, and shall continue to do so. My neighbour has just approached me to give her granddaughter some English coaching over half-term, so that'll keep me somewhat usefully employed too.
Tom's fine, digging and mulching and suchlike and only a bit fractious with the situation.
Molly had a vet's check-up today. Her open ear is quite clean and healthy, even though I haven't done much to keep it that way lately, and the one which was operated where she had the abscess shows no sign of swelling or discomfort, so fingers crossed she's OK for the moment and the new diet has worked. She's quickly lost the extra weight she put on when adjusting to it, and was pronounced to be in generally good form. We concluded the horrendously expensive eye ointment wasn't worthwhile, and she no has 'artificial tears' at a quarter of the price which are simply soothing and just as good. Emy the vet was generally pleased with her, though in general she's not a fan of cocker spaniels. She also told us a story about a cat that's allergic to everything in its food except pure fish and soya. One day it went out and licked the barbecue, and had a bad allergic reaction. Now it's owner is terrified it will catch a mouse and be allergic to that. Emy reassured her that was fairly unlikely, as animals mostly develop allergies to things contained in commercial petfood, and as far as she knew the manufacturers didn't include mousemeat. It has to be the next thing though doesn't it? Whiskas with vole and mouse...
So, tentatively, things seem quite manageable, especially now we have dates and a reasonable level of clarity. It behoves us to remember that we'd be waiting a great deal longer and with more uncertainty for a hospital bed elsewhere in the world. Thanks to all here for kind and loving words, about this and all else.
(Note: I tried to post this yesterday evening, Thursday, but Blogger was mucking about and lost a big chunk of text for me. So today/yesterday etc refer to that...)
20 hours ago
So glad there is a postive vibe &outlook for Tom's surgery.
I laughed about the cat with allergies. How odd that so many people, & here I include cats & dogs, are allergic to things these days!
On purely scifi levels it would seem something is amiss with the 'force'.
Glad that Tom's surgery is booked, hope all goes well.
I've never heard of animals with allergies before though it makes sense that they would
Digging and mulching sounds a good and useful way of dealing with a tedious wait, and it was cheering to read about it. You are indeed fortunate with the health service.
Thank you for this update. Hope all goes well in November and until then.
Chacun à son gout, I suppose, but digging and mulching! How about seeing if Tom could spend his afternoons chained into a slave galley? Very glad to hear about the comparatively swift appointment, though.
Cats! When ours went to his maker at age 18 my wife decided we wouldn't have another because, in retirement, we'd be gadding and she worried about him in catteries. (Why, I'll never know. He always came back looking sleek and well-brushed, having persuaded the owner to accommodate him indoors rather than in a cat-run.)But now there are allergies, licking the barbecue and the possibility of ingesting a hedge-sparrow that's gone off. Tom's surely a better patient than the cat you mention; better still if you deprived him of his spade and fork.
Thanks people.
It appears pet allergies are all the rage (not 'la rage' though, fortunately). Some animals are even allergic to their owners' dandruff it seems. CGP, I expect there are even bunnies who are allergic to carrots!
BB - no really, he's happy out there, honestly, and when he comes in Molly even lets him sit up on the sofa with her...
>>not a fan of cocker spaniels.
How can anyone, let alone a vet???
I wish you all well.
I like the way "matters" function as both a noun and a verb . . . I think a noun by intention, but the verb meaning fits equally well.
I hope that everyone's health gets back on track, and that yours holds up under the strain! (BTW, don't forget to put up your feet sometimes. You sound very active.)
I'll be keeping all of you in my thoughts, Lucy - I hope all goes well for Tom, and that Molly continues to get better.
Glad to hear that the projects are getting done! We will keep Tom in our prayers.
Blessings, E
Wishes: good health for Tom . . . and Molly!
Tom and Lucy and Molly take care.
How good to hear the stars are aligning - here's to the best of health and hearth.
your students are eagerly awaiting your return!
I hope all goes well for Tom
All the best to you, Tom and, yes, Molly for the months ahead.
Sending hugs to you guys..
When they lived in the Var, my parents used to rave about the French health service - speed of response, standard of treatment, cleanliness and sensitivity to the woes of the elder citizen. May all go well, Lucy.
Well, that sounds like pleasing progress on the health fronts.
It's a long time since I read "minched" and "fealty" in the same blog. In fact, anywhere!
Sending healing thoughts.
Lucy, Hope everything turns out for the best.. Your doggy sounds much better...
Don't forget to take care of you!!!
Sounds like Tom has a lot of good healing vibes coming his way from cyber-space. I'll send some too! And for Molly as well!
Thanks again, my dears!
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